New Year, New View.

Reinvention should be viewed as imperative and advantageous, not dire or desperate. How will you manifest your dharma in new ways this year?

Beyond setting new intentions and resolutions at the start of every year, there is a deeper and more powerful practice of self reinvention. Often “reinvention” carries a negative connotation, one tied to being entirely stuck or hitting rock bottom. This view sets a drastic precedent and inhibits our thirst for dynamic growth and impact. Why try to change something that is mostly working? Things could be way worse so I’ll just be grateful for what I have and continue on.

Scholars and philosophers have a different take: Occasional reinvention is a necessary part of maintaining a life of purpose. Without it, we run the risk of tunnel vision and inflexibility. With it, we find new frontiers and opportunities to act on our dharma; we bring forth more of what’s already inside us.

No activity helps inspire reinvention more than yoga. Moving and breathing in tandem breaks down inner walls and brings our passions up to the surface. Over time, we gain the power and conviction needed to act on them and live more outwardly free. What a gift. Holy shit, I’m not in a box! I can embrace change! I can set a new trajectory right now!

Get on your mat this week and practice. Reinvention is waiting.




Let Go And Be Free.


2020 Book Highlights.