Raise Your Frequency.

Understand the Law of Vibration, then harness the power of intentional creation.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
— Paulo Coelho

There’s a pleasant surprise hidden in every yoga journey: Despite the many tangible physical and mental benefits of the practice, it’s the intangible emotional and spiritual benefits that keep us coming back to the mat. The underlying electric feeling that grabs ahold of us is nature’s Law of Vibration, and we can’t escape it.

All things in the universe vibrate; every atom and molecule is in constant motion. This means that we are far more than just our physical body. Our whole being vibrates with energy—thoughts, feelings and actions included—and not all vibrations are created equal. Simply put, some vibrations are fast and others are slow; some high frequency and others low. This is an important concept that shouldn’t be overlooked because tucked underneath the Law of Vibration is the Law of Attraction, and it influences our entire life’s trajectory.

As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.
— Abraham-Hicks

Like attracts like, for better or worse. When we vibrate at a high frequency, we feel lighter, happier and more at ease, and those same vibrational qualities come back to us. The good vibes magnify. When we vibrate at a low frequency, the opposite is true. We feel dark, heavy and lost, and those qualities also amplify. It’s no wonder it’s so hard to get out of a rut.

The beauty of these laws is that we have a lot of control over our own vibration and, thus, our fate. There are many simple ways to raise our vibrational frequency and intentionally create a higher path or purpose (below). When our frequency rises, our victimhood turns into a launchpad—things stop happening to us and instead happen for us. What a shift!

Yoga is number one on the list below so get on your mat this week and practice. See you soon.



Raise Your Emotional & Spiritual Frequency

*Inspired by this great list.

  1. Practice yoga. Remember my post about being in the present moment? Get out of your head and into your beautiful body. Even if you can’t make it to a class, set a goal of doing 10 Sun As and 10 Sun Bs daily. Reach out to me if you need help with this.

  2. Be grateful. Start a gratitude journal. Set the vibrational tone for your entire day by simply writing down 3 things you’re grateful for every morning.

  3. Be generous. Money is not high frequency but kindness is. Strive for at least one act of kindness daily. Shovel your neighbor’s driveway, send a handwritten note to a friend or smile at a stranger. Everyone wins.

  4. Show love. Love is the highest possible frequency available to us. Be love, give love and make love. Love, love, love.

  5. Forgive. Emotions like blame, anger, hatred and revenge are very low frequency and often lead to a downward spiral. Let shit go.

  6. Eat local and organic. What we consume, we become. Fresh, local food vibrates at a much higher frequency than shipped and processed alternatives. Shop at a farmer’s market or neighborhood co-op this week. (This is true for content and media too. Be mindful of what you’re reading and watching. You can find some of my favorite reads here.)

  7. Think positively. Positive thoughts snowball. Try writing a New Way Of Being Statement every week to both establish and reinforce new thought patterns, then use it like a mantra. Example: “I, Drew, show up in bold, strong and safe ways now.”

  8. Get outside. Mother Nature always heals.


Drewsome + Nana Joes Granola.


Be Happy.